
Friday, 26 April

Kinderdijk: A nice leisurely morning with lovely scenery passing by and a shore talk along with disembarkation instructions for tomorrow. Late in the afternoon we had a long walk to the windmills of Kinderdijk,

which were originally erected in the 17th century to drain the area. We learned how they work and saw what the living quarters were like inside them. Millers still live there and run them, though they are no longer the way of keeping feet dry, as our guide expressed it. After a Captain’s farewell reception and dinner, a couple of terrific musicians entertained with music to which I knew every word -- so old stuff. Then to bed for the last time aboard the Tialfi.

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Tuesday, 16 April, 2024

Leaving home: We enjoyed an nice leisurely day of packing and preparation before getting into the limo at 1pm, and a smooth trip to Pearson...